Saturday, July 1, 2023

Personal Security Advice and Resources

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The Internet is a great place to connect with friends and family, share ideas, and find information. But the Internet can also be an unsafe place.
Be cautious when sharing personal information online. Keep your computer's operating system and anti-virus software up to date
Use strong passwords, change them regularly. Do not open emails or attachments from unknown senders
Don't open suspicious email attachments or click on links within emails from unknown senders
Make sure online security threats don’t endanger your personal information

Jun 08, 2023 - - 1
Preventing Cyberattacks

How Can You Protect Your Business?
It is virtually impossible to run a business today that doesn’t use electronic data and record keeping in some fashion. As a result, security risks are an unfortunate but a real threat for just about every business.

Domain Name Information, Services, and Resources

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Domain registration service providers, also referred to as domain registrars, help businesses reserve Internet domain names. There are many websites and resources about domain names on the World Wide Web.
Find information on how to purchase, set up, transfer, more. Find the best hosting and domain registering services help your business. Explanations for some fairly common questions about domain extensions

What Exactly is a Domain Name?
What Exactly is a Domain Name?
What are Top level Domains.
Every domain name has two parts, just like a phone number
With phone numbers, the area code comes first. With domains, the Area Code, or what we refer to as the Top level domain comes last. Let us look at as an example. is the complete domain name

What is the Difference Between Domain Names and Website Hosting

What is Web Hosting. Web hosting or Websites is a collection of web pages stored on Web Servers which is accessed by a domain name. After you created a website, you will need to store all of its files somewhere. You would not want to store them on your home computer, this would be too slow and unreliable for today's demands.

The Best URL Structure for SEO

A URL is nothing more than the address of a given unique resource on the Internet, normally to a website. URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. The URL for your website can be referred to as the address for your webpage, the URL is the most direct way that a person uses to access your website page. URL structures are a replacement of IP address numbers that Web Servers use for communication with other Servers. Unlike the IP address, most URLs are now readable, being in text form.

Learn WordPress

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Comprehensive WordPress tutorial for beginners.
These WordPress tutorials for beginners and advanced users will get you up and running quickly
Building a website with WordPress, The Wordpress DashboardWordPress Settings, Optimization Plugins, Functions File, WordPress Security more

What is a WordPress Website?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). It’s a popular tool for individuals without any coding experience who want to build websites and blogs. The software doesn’t cost anything. Anyone can install, use, and modify it for free. This article will help you to know about WordPress. WordPress has a simple interface which is similar to the desktop publishing software in use today. No experience or expert knowledge necessary.

How To Set Up and Use WordPress to Build a Website

You do not need to be a WordPress guru to use WordPress effectively. You do not need to know any coding. There are plenty of successful WordPress designers who do not know how to code what so ever. If you approach WordPress the right way, you can avoid much of the complexity so that you only need to learn the actual concepts that will make your website a success.

Reliable Hosting for Bloggers: From Personal Sites to Pro Blogs

 Are you ready to start your blogging journey but worried about space, security, or setup hassles? Look no further than RSH Web Services, on...